DH 2024 Workshop

Distributed Text Services: a FAIR API specification for publishing digital text collections

This workshop aims to introduce participants to DTS and its potential for publishing text collections, expand the DTS community, encourage adoption of the API, and introduce participants to the existing implementations and tools for working with DTS APIs.

The following audiences are targeted by this workshop:

  1. Research software engineers who are deploying text-based collections or who may be interested in developing implementations;
  2. People working in digital research infrastructures who may be interested in promoting the adoption of DTS by Research Institutions;
  3. Researchers who produce or work with collections of digital texts and are looking for FAIR solutions to textual data management in the context of research projects.


Starts at 1:30pm on August 6th, 2024


DTS: introduction and background

In this presentation we will introduce participants to the DTS API, its main differences compared to other text APIs, and the main technical concepts behind it (API endpoints and formats of expression). Participants will also learn about DTS’ development history, its design philosophy, and the main differences between the public draft and first release version of the API. We will also illustrate the potential of DTS for aggregating distributed text collections by using working demonstrators (e.g., the DTS aggregator). Participants will gain an understanding of how to install and use these tools, which are also useful learning resources for grasping the core technical concepts behind DTS.

5 minute break


Developer tools for DTS

In this session we dive deeper into existing tools that can help developers to build new DTS implementations. One of these tools is the DTS test suite, a new collection of programmatic tests aimed at helping developers to test and validate new DTS implementations, whose release is planned for Fall 2024.

30 minute coffee break


DTS data clinic ( 75 + 15 mins for breakout groups reporting)

In this break-out session the participants will have an opportunity to discuss with members of the DTS technical committee issues concerning the implementation of DTS in relation to concrete use cases and existing datasets. This unconference-like session will be a chance for participants to select a few topics of shared interest for discussion with other attendees and current members of the DTS technical committee and community. Participants should have a better understanding of how to use the DTS API to expose text collections, both current and future, by the end of this session.
